Sunday, February 4, 2018

Mathematics Secondary 2. Chapter 1 Congruence and Similarity. Page 1

Chapter 1 Congruence and Similarity.
1.  ∆PQR is similar to ∆ABC. Given that PQ = 5 cm, QR = 4 cm and AB = 8 cm, calculate the length of BC.

2.  ABCD is a trapezium where AB is parallel to DC. Name a pair of similar triangles. If
     AM = 5 cm, MC = 7 cm, BM = 6 cm, AB = 8 cm, DC = x cm and MD = y cm, find the
    values of x and y.

3. State, with reasons, whether ABC is similar to PQR and find the value of x.

4.  OAB is similar to OPQ.
(a) Explain clearly why AB is parallel to QP.
(b) If OA = 5 cm, OB = 6 cm, OQ = 8 cm, QP = 5.5 cm, OP = x cm and AB = y cm, find the values of x and y.

5. In Figure, ABC is similar to PQR. Given that AB = 8 cm, AC = 10 cm, PQ = 12 cm, QR = 9cm, BC = x cm and PR = y cm, calculate the values of x and y.

Need more practise, go to number 6

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