Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Mathematics Secondary 2. Chapter 1 Congruence and Similarity. Page 2

6. PQRS is similar to ABCD
(a) Name three pairs of corresponding sides.
(b) Find the values of x and y.

7. The figure shows two similar cones.
(a) find the values of x.
(b) What is the ratio of the base circumference of the smaller cone to that of the big cone?

8. In the figure, BPC is parallel to DQE.
(a) Name three pairs of similar triangles.
(b) If AC = 6 cm, CE = 8 cm, CP = 5 cm, BP = 2 cm and BD = 10 cm, find the values of x, y and z.

9. ABC Triangle is similar to PRQ triangle. Find the values of x and y.

10. Given that PQR triangle is similar to XYZ triangle, calculate the values of x and y.

Need more practise, go to number 11

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